Day 19: onlinE Certification

Today is Day 18 of #mybuffetyear.  Have you ever done an online certification in a field you are passionate about but is so different than anything you’ve ever done?  Did the certification make a huge impact on you, essentially transform you to become the best version of yourself?  Today I am starting a HypnoBreathwork® Certification Training with Francesca Sipma.  It’s  a live training with about 12 other beautiful souls done over Zoom the next 4 days.

No matter how successful you’ve been we all have insecurities or things that hold us back from being the best version of ourself.  Maybe you are totally secure, but struggle with other blocks that plague most humans.  These blocks could be fear, self doubt, overthinking, negativity, limiting beliefs & old stories, self sabotage patterns, lack of gratitude, and lack of overall vitality (full of love and life).  Wherever you are going in this world we have to get your inner child on board and feeling safe.  

If you are heavily blocked up like I was you will need at least 3 sessions to really get into the groove.  This is a practice that should be done daily.  For so long, I just shoved my thoughts and feelings down.  My toxic masculinity just said “shove that shit down” or “toughen up buttercup.”  I will tell you that it might have looked like it worked on the surface, but I was miserable, disconnected, and lonely inside.  I would say this practice is like being on an airplane and putting your oxygen mask on first before helping others.  You have to take care of your own shit so you can show up better for other people.  By recognizing and examining my own thought patterns and feelings it has allowed me to show up better for my wife and kids.  

Albert Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Have you ever felt stuck or not sure what the next required action should be on your journey through life?  We try and try so hard to tune into our logical mind, but often times it doesn’t seem to work.  We really need to tune into our body on a felt level and listen to our intuition.  Often times through HypnoBreathwork® practitioners will receive a download or what best selling author Francesca Sipma would call surrendered intuitive action.  Intuitive action means you are acting from your gut and alignment (it’s not logical action) and you take the action and you let it go.  As Francesca Sipma would say, “It’s not always about the outcome- it’s about expansion and growth.  It’s about trusting your intuition muscle.”  I really believe this practice is life-changing and I am 100% certain it can help other men, creatives, musicians, and athletes.


Day 20: 333


Day 18: Breathe it out