The Upper Limit Problem
In The Big Leap author, Gay Hendricks discusses the ULP (Upper Limit Problem). Hendricks says all of us have an inner thermostat setting that determines how much love, success, and creativity we allow ourselves to enjoy. When we exceed that “setting” we often self-sabotage or shoot ourselves in the foot keeping us stuck in our old, familiar ways where we feel secure. I read this book in December of 2022.
I revisited it today March 6, 2023,
because I am feeling a bit under the weather.
Hendricks discusses that when we come up against our upper limit problem sometimes we come down with an illness, cause a car accident, etc. Since I have been more creative lately and working on a passion project it made me wonder if my symptoms were due to a potential upper-limit problem.
I also experienced an amazing massage on March 2, 2023. The massage therapist/miracle worker focused on my intercostal muscles which are many different groups of muscles that run between the ribs, and help form and move the chest wall. She said my latissimus dorsi muscle was all bunched up. The massage treatment freed up muscle fibers and opened my blood vessel channels. Blood vessels carry the “goods” to enable your body to hydrate, oxygenate, and nourish muscles and cells. It also allows for lymphatic drainage and removes waste products. After a massage treatment, oftentimes the body is dealing with a huge amount of released metabolic waste and this can trigger a response from the immune system. This is why they tell you to drink lots of water so you can flush it out of your system.
I can’t be certain why I feel the way I do. I don’t know who coined the phrase that people are “meaning making machines”, but I reference that almost weekly. Perhaps, my slight illness is a result of both. Oftentimes, don’t we feel like we have to zero in on the root cause or the end all be all reason? Is it this or that? When really it can be both and really who cares let’s move forward. I hope you turn up your inner thermostat and allow yourself to experience more love, success, and creativity. We are all worthy of that. I highly recommend The Big Leap and remember as Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” You my friend are worth it.
Let’s dish.