DAy 15: Turn Up

Today is Day 15 of #mybuffetyear.  My new experience for today was trying an online workout with Tanci from Turn Up Dance Fitness.  It’s out of my comfort zone, but I would be game to try a dance fitness class in the studio.  Preferably with Big Kid Rick! Today’s workout was a 30-minute recording that primarily focused on the glutes and hamstrings.  Not so much dancing today, but effective movements for the buns hun.  

She had us doing supersets of deadlifts and glute bridge walkouts.  After completing each superset we got a quick break.  We did 3 or 4 sets of that.  Then we did a different superset of lunges and single-legged hip thrusts.  We did 3 or 4 sets of that.  I have to get that dumpster ready for summer bro.  A little late to the party.  The pool was just opened 5 days ago.  Like Pitbull said, “Back it up like a Tonka truck!

My wife and I Turned Up With Tanci before doing the bedtime routine with the kids.  Other than being a little too full from dinner it was a great experience.  It went by fast probably because I loved the music.  It was a lot of ratched hip hop music.  It was a dance party in our bedroom, but I was the only one dancing.  I’m a little concerned about how the glutes and hamstrings will feel tomorrow.  


The glutes and hamstrings are feeling really good today.  The hamstrings are a little tight, but my hamstrings are always tight.  I need some stretching and some yoga and I will be good to go.   


Day 17: Closet Kondo


Day 16: Counting every Blessing