Buffet Year is tryING ONE new thing EVERY SINGLE DAY.



Man sitting on a cliff at the beach

What is Buffet Year?

At its core, Buffet Year is A commitment to try new things that push you out of your comfort zone.

To grow IN THIS LIFE, you have to shake it up. You don't know what YOU TRULY LOVE until you try it.

It's treating your business as a clean, empty plate in the buffet line.  You go through the line and you take and try new approaches in the online space - mashed potatoes, chicken, macaroni, and peas.And if you don’t enjoy what you dished, get up, grab more and try three new things.  

We do that in a buffet line, but we stop doing that in our own life.  At some point, we stop trying new shit, keep eating the food that tastes terrible and is bad for us and worse yet maybe we are just taking the shit that is being scooped on our plate by someone else. You can’t do that when you feel stuck and stagnant but desperately want to grow.

“We should be brave enough to contemplate our lives, do what we thought was “outside the box,” and do it repeatedly. When we do that, we are on our way to a greater level of personal power.”

— Dr. Joe Dispenza

Don’t you want to see
what you’re truly capable of doing
in this wild & crazy life?